About this course
This course is designed to give students best possible teaching experience to access and build a relationship with the Glorious Quran. It aims at giving students essential syntactic, morphological, lexical and analytical tools to access Quran, Hadith
About this course
This course is a biographical analysis of the Last Prophet (saw) based on authentic sources, allowing students to develop love and appreciation for the Prophet (saw), understand why particular Qur’anic passages were revealed, develop the ability to
About this course
An intensive study of marriage in Islam covering the wisdom behind marriage, the rulings pertaining to it, the details of a valid marriage contract, marital discord, divorce, guardianship, and spousal rights and obligations, gender roles and family
About this course
This is an entry-level course in Jurisprudence that examines the key and contemporary issues pertaining to the acts of worship. This course focuses on purification (Taharah), prayer (Salah) and funerals (Janazah). The main text focuses on
About the course
This course aims to introduce students to the classical Islamic sciences. The historical development of some of the main Islamic sciences will be covered, including the most important scholars and texts of those sciences, with a
About this Course
This course is an introduction on the Islamic creed (‘aqeedah) focusing solely on the first pillar of faith: belief in Allah. It will cover the fundamental categories of monotheism (tawheed) in Islamic theology and their practical applications,