Family Law I-ISHSC
About this course
An intensive study of marriage in Islam covering the wisdom behind marriage, the rulings pertaining to it, the details of a valid marriage contract, marital discord, divorce, guardianship, and spousal rights and obligations, gender roles and family structure in Islam. The main text focuses on the opinions and evidence of the Hanbali Madhab. In addition, attention will be given to all the various opinions across the major Madhahib (legal schools of thought), particularly on major issues.(2 credits)
About the Instructor(s)
Umar Shareef
Ustadh Umar Shareef holds a B.A. in Political Science & Arabic from Tufts University. Ustadh Umar completed his classical Arabic studies at Qasid Arabic Institute, Jordan, where he has also studied traditionally. Ustadh Umar is currently pursuing his Ph.D. Arabic and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University. His thesis work is on constructing the genealogy of the legal concept taqyīd al-mubāḥ (restricting the permissible) from its historical origins to its use in the contemporary period. Ustadh Umar is also proficient in Persian and German.